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Acidification: is it really dangerous for the body?


The human body is a system of mutual dependencies that are largely influenced by external factors. Their harmful effects are eliminated by a number of body's own defense mechanisms, which may fail in the event of multi-faceted neglect, such as chronic acidification of the body.

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? Make your decision consciously


The article discusses the mechanism of action of vaccines and the content of vaccines. It contains information about heavy metals in vaccines, how the body copes with the virus and what factors may weaken the immune system. It also indicates the importance of a healthy lifestyle, diet and probiotics in maintaining the body's immunity.

6 rules that will help you get rid of constipation


Statistics show that approximately 14% of Poles suffer from constipation. The causes of this ailment have various causes. However, regardless of whether they occur sporadically or chronically, they should not be underestimated and the source of the problem must be located to avoid serious consequences, which may be colorectal cancer.

Hyperacidity – a burning stomach problem


The stomach is a unique organ with the lowest pH in the body. It works efficiently and is acidic in the pH range of 1.5 - 2.5. The problem occurs when it is acidified, i.e. the pH drops below the optimal value or is too little acidic, being over 3 pH. To ensure proper digestion and efficient functioning of the digestive system, you should start with the acidity of the stomach.

Spring Solstice: symptoms and how to deal with them


Spring is the time of awakening awaited all winter. The changes happening around us affect our well-being and often, instead of enjoying them, we are simply tired. We call the first day of spring the spring solstice, and before this day arrives, some people say this about the accompanying physical and emotional symptoms experienced around this period.

How to lower high cholesterol?


The word cholesterol has always been associated with something "bad" and harmful. However, not everyone knows that it is necessary for proper human functioning. Only a disturbed balance and proportion between the types of cholesterol can pose a threat to health and have serious consequences.

Low immunity is an ally of Candida


Fungi of the Candida genus are naturally occurring microorganisms in the human body, including children. However, when their balance is disturbed, they can lead to infections, especially in people with a weakened immune system.

Histamine: what is it and how does it affect health?


Histamine is a chemical naturally occurring in the human body that plays a key role in various physiological processes. It is a substance secreted by cells of the immune system and acts as a mediator in allergic and inflammatory reactions. Although histamine plays an important role in regulating various body functions, excessive amounts of this substance can lead to undesirable health effects.

Sugar – sweet taste, bitter consequences


Public awareness of the adverse effects of a diet high in sugar is constantly growing. Unfortunately, the number of diseases and the increasingly younger population suffering from diseases that are blamed on the consumption of simple sugars is also increasing. There is something primal about sweet meals (it is associated with the first taste of mother's milk) and something sensory - it smells beautiful and looks tasty. Therefore, you need an extremely strong will and even greater awareness to free yourself from sweets. The following article highlights a multi-faceted approach to sugar as a very common ingredient in the daily diet of the general public, reflecting on the problem of its excessive consumption.

Probiotics and acne – a holistic approach to acne treatment


Facial skin is a unique calling card of every person, defining identity and uniqueness. Acne is a skin disease that negatively affects our well-being, especially in adolescence, when we are building our identity. Although acne is often considered a hormonal problem among teenagers, it sometimes appears after the age of 40, which poses a challenge to the stereotypical perception of this condition.

Legionella - a bacterium of life-giving water. Do we have anything to fear?


Recently, after the Covid-19 devastation caused by viral reports in the media for months, further concern may have been raised by information about fatal cases of Legionella pneumophila infection in Poland. Do we really have anything to fear? How to deal with a bacteria that has been with us for years?

Freeze-drying – a way to get healthy seasonal products all year round


“Our food substances must be medicine, and our medicines must be food substances” /Hippocrates/ Nutrition, like breathing, is an important human need necessary for proper functioning. It includes not only the actual consumption of food, but also the most complex processes of its digestion, absorption and assimilation in the body.

Gastritis - causes, symptoms, support in treatment


Gastroenteritis is a troublesome disease that can affect our daily functioning. Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and general weakness can make it very difficult to perform normal activities. A proper diet and the use of appropriate preparations can help alleviate these ailments. In this article, we will discuss the causes and symptoms of gastroenteritis, as well as present recommended products to support treatment.

What is intestinal microflora? Causes and effects of intestinal microflora disorders


The human microbiome is a set of microbiocenoses, populations of microorganisms that colonize various ecosystems of our body, e.g. the microbiota of the intestines, oral cavity, vagina, nose, ear and skin. The largest part of them, over 60%, lives in the digestive tract. It is estimated that the microbiome consists of over one hundred trillion microorganisms with a total weight of approximately 2.5 kg. Due to its metabolic functions, production of vitamins and nutrients, neurotransmitters and impact on our life and health, it is often called the second brain.

How to cleanse the liver with home remedies?


The liver is one of the most important organs in our body; performs over 500 different functions. It is an organ that is constantly working, fulfills many roles such as detoxification and filtration, is involved in the metabolic process and is related to storage. In this article we will discuss such issues as: liver functions, what the liver does not like, how to take care of it, liver cleansing according to Moritz, the impact of Lactobacillus acidophilus Er-2 317/402 Narine bacteria on the liver.

Helicobacter Pylori - infection, symptoms, treatment


Helicobacter Pylori is a spiral Gram-negative bacterium that inhabits the gastric epithelium. It should not be underestimated, because infection with it can lead to many ailments and disease states, and even become one of the factors contributing to the occurrence of stomach cancer.

Vaginal microflora and its impact on protection against genital tract infections


In healthy girls and women aged 16-40, lactobacilli are the leading part of the vaginal biocenosis. They occupy over 95% of its entire microflora. In addition, the vaginal microflora contains over 300 microorganisms. Learn more about the vaginal microflora by reading this article.

What is Lysozimo?


The mucous membrane of the mouth, conjunctiva and respiratory tract, i.e. in organs constantly exposed to various types of microorganisms, contains lysozyme - a protein enzyme that is of great importance in building immunity.

Parasites – what are the threats and how to fight them?


Parasites – their name comes from Greek. In the original it is the word παράσιτα, meaning pests. As the name itself suggests, they are destructive and cause harm. Parasitology deals with the issue of parasites, i.e. the science that covers issues related to their occurrence, development, spread, as well as the diseases they cause.

Narine bacterium in obstetrics


Pregnancy - childbirth - puerperium are special, exceptional, but also extremely difficult periods in a woman's life. Even though each of them is very well researched, when taken apart it can surprise you every time. The course of each period is an individual matter for each woman and cannot be precisely planned, from A to Z. However, it is worth making every effort to ensure that these periods become fruitful and, above all, safe for both the mother and the child. So that these moments will not be associated well with the future mother and that she will remember them positively someday.

The role of the probiotic bacteria Narine in the fight against Staphylococcus (staphylococcus)


Latin Staphylococcus, a bacterium belonging to gram-positive cocci, looks like grapes, hence its name. Staphylococci are facultative anaerobes, but they also grow in aerobic conditions. Currently, many species of staphylococcus are known. However, there are only a few in the human body, some of which naturally contribute to the microflora - without harming the host.

Lactobacillus acidophilus Er-2 317/402 Narine bacteria as a radioprotector


It might seem that harmful radiation does not affect us, but unfortunately this is not the case. We are dealing with two types of it: corpuscular - produced by nuclear reactors, which is an episodic phenomenon, but very important for people involved in radiotherapy (after, during, before it) and non-corpuscular - magnetic, surrounding us at every step - through smartphones, TVs, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Although in general terms non-corpuscular radiation is not harmful to humans, it indirectly impairs the body by damaging the single-cell microbiome of the digestive system. Taking Narine regularly can become an effective protector against its harmful effects.

Muscle relaxation - how to deal with the problem?


Problems with muscle tension are difficult to define. Their specific type or cause is often difficult to determine. One thing is certain, regardless of the reason, efforts should be made to eliminate the effects of this state of affairs.

What is SIBO, i.e. small intestinal bacterial overgrowth?


SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) is a set of clinical symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract resulting from the presence of excessive amounts of bacteria in the small intestine. Normally, most bacteria inhabit the large intestine. When they move to the small intestine, the balance of the microbiota is disturbed and intestinal problems occur.