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The Armenian National Academy of Sciences and the biotechnology plant Vitaway LLC, which produces original products with the Narine bacterium, have established a project called Narine Academy . The aim of the academy is to systematize, disseminate and promote the knowledge gathered over the years about the Armenian national heritage in the form of bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus Er 2 strain 317/402 Narine, Lactobacterium mazuni "Karine" page 2. and Escherichia coli Nissle 1917.

The Narine Academy brings together and rewards professors, doctors, naturopaths and specialists who share their experiences with the therapeutic use of Narine , Karine and Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 bacteria. He does this by publishing opinions, conducting lectures, participating in webinars, etc.

The Narine Academy Council is growing rapidly and is chaired by Armenian microbiologist Dr. Eduard Dilanyan. The Academy is a place where you can find information about research conducted using the bacteria mentioned above, as well as stories of people who, thanks to Narine, Karine or E - coli M-17, regained health, joy and comfort of life. This often happened after years of unsuccessful fights against various diseases or ailments that were resistant to academic medicine.

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The first, still unofficial, meetings of the Narine Academy were held in the 1960s in Yerevan (the capital of Armenia). Scientists and lovers of the bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus Er-2 317/402 Narine, gathered around prof. Levon Akopovich Erzinkyan - the discoverers of Narine , shared information and observations about the action of bacteria.

Various political events caused many scientists to leave Armenia, including: to France, Canada, the USA and Japan, where they continued research on the bacterium in other research centers. Scientists, together with the Armenian National Academy of Sciences, established a project called Narine Academy . The aim of this project was to bring together scientists, students, doctors and naturopaths who use bacteria and promote its effects. The Academy is engaged in systematizing, disseminating and promoting the knowledge gathered over the years about the Armenian national heritage in the form of the bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus Er 2 strain 317/402 Narine and Lactobacterium mazuni "Karine" page 2 (two bacteria with health-promoting properties documented over the years).

Currently, the Academy organizes meetings with specialists and conferences where scientists exchange observations, information and medical news related to the mentioned bacteria. This provides many new opportunities to help sick people struggling with chronic ailments, often without hope of improving their health.

Academy Council
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Franciszek Frydrychowski - Polska
Specialties: human physiology, anesthesiology, surgery
Prof. dr hab. Astghik Pepoyan - Armenia
Armenian National Agricultural University
Prof. Tigran Davtyan - Kanada
Professor of Biology. Specialization in drug design and quality control
Prof. Gagik S. Hakobyan - Armenia
Associate Professor of Yerevan State Medical University
Dr n. med. Okumura Ko - Japonia
Director at the Atopy Research Center at Juntendo University
Lek. med. Witold Kowalewski - Polska
Pediatrician, social medicine specialist
Dr. Eduard Dilanyan - Armenia/ Polska
Doctor of microbiology, specialist in freeze-drying of biomaterials
Dr. Jolanta Nalewaj-Nowak - Polska
Psychodietician, doctor of medical biology, psycho-oncologist. He specializes in diet-oncology.
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Much is said about the modern way of eating, which has a negative impact on our health. Processed food, full of sugar, trans fats and preservatives, and irregular meals mean that the human body cannot cope with neutralizing unfavorable substances, which is why we increasingly suffer from various diseases. But it is not only food that is a modern threat to health. Other factors from the immediate environment and modern conveniences also have a destructive effect on the condition of the human body.
Dysbacteriosis, also known as dysbiosis, is a condition characterized by an imbalance in the intestinal microflora. More and more factors related to today's lifestyle make the lack of bacterial homeostasis very common. Numerous studies indicate the significant impact of the intestinal microbiome on human health, emphasizing particular importance in the context of metabolic, autoimmune, and even mental diseases.
Planning to expand the family is a serious step that changes every sphere of life. A woman who wants to prepare the right environment for the development of her little one should take care of key aspects already at the moment of planning to get pregnant. Studies confirm that the condition of the mother's body is very important for the development of the fetus, but also affects many aspects in the later years of the child's life. The first "set of bacteria" that the child receives depends to a large extent on the mother and may affect the child's later allergies, innate immunity, tendency to obesity or type 2 diabetes.

Copyrights © by Vitaway LLC, Vardanansts str., lane 2, bldg. 4/39, 0010, Armenia

The content presented is for informational purposes and does not replace medical treatment. They may be used by users solely at their own risk. We recommend consulting a doctor.